Fr. Michael Joseph Carlson, EP
Fr. Michael Joseph Carlson consecrated himself to Our Lady in his youth through the method of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort. He has a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and has made his life a constant search for men and women who live the same dedication to Jesus through Mary's hands.
As a good religious, always cheerful and good natured, Fr. Michael has been assigned by his superiors to carry out his apostolate in various places, beginning in the United States, his native land, and in several countries in Central America, South America, and Europe. His native language is English, but he speaks Spanish and Portuguese fluently.
He frequently comments on the daily liturgy on the Heralds of the Gospel YouTube Channel.
Fr. Michael Carlson was born in Little Falls, Minnesota on May 16, 1975. He began his vocational journey as a young man in 1990, later joining the International Association of Christ’s Faithful of Pontifical Right, Heralds of the Gospel.
Fr. Michael’s life can be best described as his desire to draw everyone to Mary and through her to her Son, Jesus. Besides his native land, he has dedicated his pastoral actions in various countries, such as Brazil, El Salvador, Chile and, presently, Spain. He carries out his pastoral work through Catechism courses, and missionary work such as seminars, workshops, and pilgrimages to shrines. He also organizes several symposiums, and congresses on Catholic Doctrine and other themes. Always aiming to lead his listeners to consecrate themselves to Our Lady.
As a musician, he joined the International Choir of the Heralds of the Gospel, having travelled on missions throughout almost all of America and part of Europe.
In his evangelizing journey, aiming to do even more for the Lord’s flock, he was ordained a priest on the feast of St. Thérèse in 2010. He has a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and has placed his entire priestly ministry in the hands of Mary, to whom he had consecrated himself in his youth.
He is a member of the Clerical Society Virgo Flos Carmeli and currently carries out his priestly ministry in Madrid, Spain.
Get to know my Course:
God had a secret and revealed it to His Blessed Mother through the Angel Gabriel: “The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived of the Holy Spirit.” God’s secret was, therefore, the Mystery of the Incarnation.
Now, Mary also has a secret, as St. Louis de Montfort teaches us, in his book “The Secret of Mary”. But, if we want to understand this secret, it is necessary to have an intimacy with Our Lady.
That is exactly what Fr. Michael does in this course, he shows us how to enter into the Marian intimacy.
In this course we will grow in our understanding and love for Mary. In just six lessons we will gain a new and wonderful understanding of the Mother of God.
Welcome to the Course: “Mariology in only six simple steps!”

Today, we live an unusual situation that affects all of us, without exceptions. Calamities, diseases, unprecedented violence, moral, economic and political crises, scarcity, corruption, scandals, attacks against the faith and against religion, destruction of the family, immorality, and unimaginable sins. We can say we are living chaos. Believers and non-believers, moral and immoral people, just and unjust, good and bad, are all affected. The big difference lies in how we react. Accepting or rejecting what is imposed on us, is what allows us to maintain balance or let chaos disrupt our interior lives too.
There is a lot of speculation, more questions and few answers, but, in the midst of this extremely chaotic situation, the Heralds of the Gospel come to your rescue, with answers to your questions. In 1917, Our Lady appeared to three innocent children who were tending the sheep of their parents and knew nothing of the world and revealed to them important secrets about the future of humanity. Over the course of a hundred years, there have been people who have believed in the apparitions and prophecies of Fatima and accepted to convert and change their lives. Many, however, continue to wander distracted, despising or offending God.
Why do many marriages end up in failure? Why is my married life going wrong? Questions like these disturb people who are thinking and planning a happy life of marriage, but observe in our society sad experiences or may be experiencing bad situations that contradict their dreams.
In the course ” Marriage: how to fulfill what you promised?”, you will have access to six lessons that will give you the opportunity to discover what really sustains a healthy relationship and makes it possible for you to build a peaceful and happy home according to God’s plan for you. The content of this course is based on the innumerable experiences shared by various couples and has its foundation in the treasures of the millennial teachings and magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church on this delicate subject.

Do we really know the enormous power of the Rosary, apparently so simple, so unassuming, so accessible and so widely spread by popular devotion? “The holy angels in heaven salute the most Blessed Virgin with the Hail Mary not audibly but with their angelic mind. For they are fully aware that through the Hail Mary reparation was made for the fallen angels’ sin, God became man and the world was renewed” says Blessed Alan de la Roche.
Father Antonio Royo Marín, one of the most renowned Dominican theologians of the past century, states that “without any doubt the Rosary is the most excellent of Marian devotions.” And, in following his usual line of clear and progressive reasoning, he adds: “It is proven so by the Virgin herself, the official Magisterium of the Church, and by its structure and theological content.”
The Holy Rosary seems to be custom-made for our present age — perilous and perplexing times in which we yearn for the earthly Reign of Jesus Christ through His Blessed Mother. Participants in Fr. Micheal Carlson’s initial series — sharing its title with the book on which it was based, St. Louis de Montfort’s Secret of the Rosary — were surely convinced of the Rosary’s value and efficacy. They also discovered how Our Lady personally guided the origin, development and global spread of this devotion.
She intended the Rosary to be a harmonious combination of vocal prayer and mental prayer. Having explained each of the prayers that comprise the Rosary’s vocal component, Fr. Michael dedicates this new series to examining the Rosary’s deepest substance — its mental component, which consists of meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary.