Fr. Felipe de Azevedo Ramos, EP
Fr. Felipe de Azevedo Ramos, EP, has a degree in Theology and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum-Rome).
His doctoral thesis received the highest grade and earned him two international awards. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Medieval Studies with the Diplôme Européen d'Études Médiévales (DEEM-FIDEM).
He is editor of the journal Lumen Veritatis, translator and professor at the Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophical Institute. He has published over a hundred articles in magazines in different countries.
Felipe de Azevedo Ramos, EP, was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1982, where he joined the Heralds of the Gospel in 1998. He participated in various popular missions in the capital of his native state, Minas Gerais, and in neighboring cities.
After a period of philosophical and theological formation in São Paulo, he worked as a librarian and also as part of the editorial staff of the Heralds of the Gospel magazine.
He also carried out evangelizing activities in Canada, the Northeast of Brazil and Italy, as well as for short periods in other Latin American and European countries, promoting religious, philosophical and cultural formation among different communities.
He has a Masters and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino (Angelicum-Rome). His doctoral thesis obtained the highest grade (summa cum laude) and also earned him two international awards (Veritas et amor and Marco Arosio).
He also holds a postgraduate degree in Medieval Studies with the Diplôme Européen d’Études Médiévales (DEEM-FIDEM).
He is also editor of the academic journal Lumen Veritatis, translator of Latin language and professor at the Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophical Institute (São Paulo) since 2009.
He has published more than a hundred articles in magazines in Brazil and in other countries. Besides Portuguese, he speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
Get to know my Course:

Starting from the premise that purgatory needs a “purgation”, the present course aims at debating and analyzing the doctrine of purgatory from a historical, philosophical and theological point of view, with a good dose of apologetics: on the one hand, by rebutting the criticism regarding the existence and nature of purgatory and, on the other hand, by emphasizing this dogma of faith.
In reality, the theology of purgatory contains a synthesis of many other doctrines accepted by the Catholic Church, such as the question of the last end of man, justification, the need for sanctification, satisfaction, penance and the very role of the Virgin Mary in the work of salvation.
Finally, we return to the central question: Are the souls in Purgatory submitted to great suffering or to great charity? Or both? What is certain is that they need our prayers. And that has greater consequences than we might imagine, at first.