Fr. Arthur Nicolas Hlebnikian Momdjian, EP
Fr. Arthur Nicolas Hlebnikian has been a lecturer on catholic formation and spirituality for most of his life. Inspired by modern and old masters, he focuses on the fundamental guideline of any human being: trust in His Creator. As a summary of his long pastoral experience in different continents, he realizes that reconciliation with God is perhaps what humanity, today and always, is most in need of. And this is the reason why he specialized in the Sacrament of Confession, which is at the origin of this course.
Fr. Arthur Nicolas Hlebnikian, EP was born in the Latin American country capital of Montevideo, Uruguay. From a very young age, since he went to Christian Brothers College, he spoke English at school, French at home, as it was the language of his parents, and Spanish in the streets.
Born at the crossroads of different cultures, his eyes were quickly opened to understanding faith’s universality. Having embraced religious life from a very young age and knowing five languages, he travelled extensively, evangelizing in many countries, mainly on three continents, Europe, America and Africa, and most of the time as director of evangelization.
He did his canonical studies of philosophy and theology at the Aristotelian-Thomistic Institute of Philosophy (IFAT) and the St. Thomas Aquinas Institute of Theology (ITTA). Prior to his recent appointment as Director of Heralds of the Gospel in Canada, he was involved in a major project to build a new church for the Heralds of the Gospel in a poor region of the world, Mozambique.
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St John says: “If we say we have no sin, … the truth is not in us” (1 Jn 20:19).
Nothing could be more foolish than to live in sin and deserve eternal punishment. Our life would be failure, and we would be condemned forever. The only reasonable thing is to look for the solution in the sacrament of penance. To understand this solution is the purpose of these classes.