A Study on the Sacrament of Confession
Course Summary
St John says: “If we say we have no sin, … the truth is not in us” (1 Jn 20:19).
Nothing could be more foolish than to live in sin and deserve eternal punishment.
Our life would be a failure, and we would be condemned forever.
The only reasonable thing is to look for the solution in the sacrament of penance.
To understand this solution is the purpose of these classes.

Rev. Fr. Arthur Nicolas Hlebnikian, EP is a priest and is a member of the chapter of the Clerical Society of Apostolic Life Virgo Flos Carmeli. He has dedicated his life to evangelization with a particular accent on the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He has travelled extensively through the three Americas, Africa and Europe. He is a native of Uruguay and is fluent in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. He presently resides at the Mother House of the Heralds of the Gospel in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Course lessons
BIBLE, Online edition bible.usccb.org
BIBLE, The Didache. Ignatius Bible Edition, 2006, USA
CHIAVARINO, Luiz. Confessai-vos bem. Fourth edition, São Paulo: Paulinas, 1951
CLA DIAS, Joao Scognamiglio. New Insights on the Gospels, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2012
CODE OF CANON LAW. Online edition, Vatican, VA
CONGREGAÇAO PARA O CLERO. O Sacerdote Ministro da Misericordia, Paulus, Lisbon, 2011
JOHN PAUL II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconciliation and Penance. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1984
KREEFT, Peter. Food for the Soul, Word on Fire, Park Ridge, IL, 2021
LUNA, Francisco and DE TENA, Luca. La Confesion, Cuadernos Palabra, S.A., Madrid, 2008
MARCHIORO, Raimondo. La Confesion Sacramental, Rialp, Madrid, 2004
VAN HAVRE, Didier. Prends soin de ton âme, Le Laurier, Paris, 2015