Br. Morgan Joseph Dunn, EP
Br. Morgan Joseph Dunn, EP was born in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on April 24th, 1995. During a pilgrimage journey to Brazil in 2014, God operated a transformation in his soul, calling him to the consecrated life. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to this calling, joyfully serving God as a member of the Heralds of the Gospel.
Currently engaged in the evangelizing activities of the Heralds, Br. Morgan holds canonical Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Theology.
Br. Morgan Joseph Dunn, EP was born in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on April 24th, 1995. While on a pilgrimage to Brazil in 2014, God operated a transformation in his soul during a meeting with the Founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, Msgr. João Clá. Discerning God’s voice inviting him to the consecrated life, Morgan accepted this call joyfully. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to his vocation, serving God as a member of the Heralds.
Out of love for Our Lady and for the Holy Catholic Church, he gave himself over to prayer and studies. After seven years, he concluded his philosophical and theological curriculum with the Heralds of the Gospel, receiving his canonical Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy in 2017 through the Università Pontificia Salesiana and his canonical Baccalaureate in Theology in 2021 through the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.
Presently, with devotion to the Most Blessed Mother as the anchor and centre of his spiritual life, he continues deepening his knowledge of the Catholic Faith while dedicating himself to the great work of evangelization, especially with the youth.
A staunch admirer of the lives of the Saints, he currently contributes to The YouTube channel of the Heralds in a weekly program: Following the Saints.
Get to know my Course:

God made the world to reflect His perfections, which are infinite. He could not have reflected Himself in just one being, however perfect, since every creature is limited. So, he created manifold creatures. His creatures are not only many, but also exceedingly varied, because, if they were identical, they could only represent a single perfection of God, as St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us (Summa Theologica I – q. 47. a. 1).
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (n. 319) tells us that “God created the world to show forth and communicate His glory. That His creatures should share in His truth, goodness, and beauty.”
To understand Old Testament History (the account of the main events that occurred with mankind, from its creation to the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, based on Scripture), we will first consider the Work of Creation.
The course “Mary Most Holy! The Paradise of God Revealed to Men”, presented by Father Michael Carlson, EP, a priest with a deep devotion to Our Lady, was inspired by the book of the same name written by the founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, Monsignor João Clá, one of the main pillars of Marian devotion in recent times.
Composed of 13 sequential lessons, plus two bonus lessons, the course presents all the splendors of Mary, with unpublished details preserved by the Tradition of the Church and the writings of the great Marian saints and theologians.
Throughout the lessons, you will delve into the mysteries of the one who, being the Mother of God, lived as the simplest of all beings.
And you will discover the pains and joys of Our Lady, from the moment of the Annunciation to the utmost martyrdom in seeing her Divine Son die nailed to a cross. Father Michael will present all the nuances of the coexistence between Jesus and Mary, he will tell how her life was after the Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord, her coexistence with the disciples and her very important role from the Divine Plan of Creation to the final destiny of humanity.
At Fatima, Our Lady promised: “My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”. In this course, you are invited to participate in this triumph, helping to build the new and long-awaited paths that humanity will soon have to follow.