What the Church Says

“It is very pleasing to me, that is, it is a duty of gratitude, to note that the International Private Association of the Faithful, Heralds of the Gospel, since its arrival in our Archdiocese of Madrid, has given irrefutable proof of the evangelical simplicity of its members and their apostolic zeal.”
Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela
Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid (Spain)

“I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that, (…) I have always been able to observe in them an exemplary behaviour of fidelity to the Church, diligence in the service of others, care for the liturgical life, proclamation of the Gospel and promotion of a true and authentic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Cardinal Carlos Amigo Vallejo
Archbishop Emeritus of Seville (Spain)

“Since 1999, when I welcomed the Heralds of the Gospel into the Archdiocese, I have closely accompanied their work of evangelization and their vocational development.
The Heralds (…) are doing much good for the Church, and I consider this a very necessary charism for our times. (…) they carry a well-oriented spirituality, cultivating interior life and (…) evangelization.”
Cardinal Nicolás de Jesus López Rodríguez
Archbishop Emeritus of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
Archbishops and Bishops
“I wish to bear witness to the evangelizing action of this benevolent association in the Archdiocese of which I was Archbishop. (…) They have always worked in communion and collaboration with the local clergy, developing a praiseworthy evangelizing action that helps to revive the faith in the community, bearing witness to Christian life by their conduct, their fidelity to the Magisterium and the Church. (…) For all this, I express my support for the Heralds of the Gospel in their evangelizing action.”
Most Rev. Ramón Benito de La Rosa y Carpio
Archbishop Emeritus Santiago (Dominican Republic)
“I wish to bear witness to the evangelizing work of this meritorious Association. (…) I know its members, and I know their qualities. They have always worked in communion with the clergy, developing evangelizing actions of great importance that help to revive the faith in the community and in all people without distinction of any kind. (…) something very valuable, reaching the heart of the Church: the families.”
Most Rev. Darío de Jesús Monsalve Mejía
Archbishop of Cali (Colombia)
“They have always worked in communion and collaboration with the local clergy developing a commendable evangelizing action that helps to enliven the faith in the community, they give testimony of Christian life by their conduct, by their fidelity to the Magisterium and to the Church, reaching everyone without distinction of any class with their message of love for the Blessed Virgin. For all these reasons I express my support to the Heralds of the Gospel in their evangelizing action as a valuable instrument of the new evangelization and of the apostolate of going forth as recommended by the Holy Father.”
Most Rev. Gonzalo Restrepo
Archbishop of Manizales (Colombia)
“We are before a very numerous Institution like an army in battle array (Song 6:3), who want to serve the Church because they feel they are her faithful children. They take care of their intellectual and spiritual formation. And they have many vocations. They constitute a beautiful potential for the New Evangelization.”
Most Rev. Ángel Fernández Collado
Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo (Spain)
“(…) They have stood out for their pastoral charity manifested in constant visits to parishes, schools and communities of consecrated life where they develop the Oratory apostolate. It is very frequent to note in the faithful the appreciation they have for their animation of a Marian spirituality enriched with the invocation of Our Lady of Fatima. (…) I wish to emphasize their fidelity to the Magisterium and the Church.”
Most Rev. Luis Manuel Ali Herrera
Auxiliary Bishop of Bogota
“(…) From the first moment, I was struck by the peculiarity with which they wear their religious habit, which I admire very much, because with it they give testimony of their life, which is congruent with the exterior. I admire the charism of the Heralds, because in this secularized world, in which the impiety and ugliness of sin is spreading more and more, to see those who incarnate evangelization through beauty, splendor of truth and splendor of goodness, is a clear response of the Holy Spirit to the crises of our times.”
Most Rev. Luigi Morao Andreazza, OFM
Bishop Emeritus Chalatenango (El Salvador)
“I want to express my conviction about the congregation HERALDS OF THE GOSPEL.
I have always been impressed by their spirit of fidelity to the Church. We can and should see with joy their missionary spirit and the blessed fruitfulness of their works.
Rather than getting lost in giving details, I want to declare my conviction that it is a matter of enormous spiritual generosity and the visibility of divine grace.”
Bishop Karl Josef Romer
Secretary Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family
“I could see the willingness to live in communion and the way to evangelize through the beauty in the liturgy and the ministry of music. It was an awakening among the faithful of devotion to Mary and a greater participation in parish life there was a renewal of Marian fervor. I wish them all the graces of love and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Virgin Mary and the Chair of Peter.”
Most Rev. Oswaldo Vintimilla
Bishop of Azogues (Ecuador)
“I have had the opportunity to know them since their origin (…) Subsequently and until today, I have kept in touch with them and have encouraged them in their apostolate. They have always been good collaborators in the parishes. (…) They already have many members who are well trained in the ecclesiastical faculties of upright doctrine.
My testimony is that we are before a very numerous Institution, as much in men as in women, like an army in battle array (Song 6:3), that wants to serve the Church, because they feel themselves faithful children. They take care of their intellectual and spiritual formation, they are faithful to the Magisterium and the discipline of the Church. And they have many vocations. They constitute a beautiful potential for the new evangelization.”
Most Rev. Demetrio Fernández González
Bishop of Cordoba (Spain)
“I believe that the birth, within the Heralds of the Gospel, of the Virgo Flos Carmeli community can be considered, in my humble opinion, as a gift of the Holy Spirit to His Church, which is in need at this time of committed consecrated people.”
Most Rev. Manuel Sánchez Monge
Bishop of Mondoñedo-Ferrol (Spain)
“They have always worked in communion and collaboration with the local clergy developing a commendable evangelizing action that helps to revive the faith in the community, they give testimony of Christian life by their conduct, by their fidelity to the Magisterium and to the Church.”
Most Rev. Hector Salah Zuleta
Bishop of Riohacha (Colombia)
“(…) They have always worked in communion and collaboration with the Bishop and the local clergy, developing a commendable evangelizing action that helps to revive the faith in the community, they give testimony of Christian life by their conduct, by their fidelity to the Magisterium and to the Church, reaching everyone without distinction of any kind with their message of love for the Blessed Virgin. For all this I express my support to the Heralds of the Gospel in their evangelizing commitment, being a valuable instrument of the New Evangelization.”
Most Rev. Luis Adriano Piedrahita Sandoval
Bishop of Santa Marta (Colombia)
“I have always admired the believing witness of these Brothers in the faith, I have appreciated their missionary zeal and I have perceived their efforts to integrate themselves decisively in the pastoral work of those dioceses in which Divine Providence has placed them. For all this, I give thanks to God.”
Most Rev. Atilano Rodríguez
Bishop of Sigüenza-Guadalajara (Spain)
“They have always worked in communion and collaboration with the local clergy, developing a commendable evangelizing action that helps to enliven the faith in the community (…), reaching everyone without distinction of any kind with their message of love for the Blessed Virgin.”
Most Rev. José Clavijo Méndez
Bishop of Sincelejo (Colombia)
“The Heralds of the Gospel Association counts on my support in the Diocese of Valledupar to continue carrying out its evangelizing mission.”
Most Rev. Oscar José Vélez Isaza, CMF
Bishop of Valledupar (Colombia)
“I have known the Heralds of the Gospel for almost 20 years. In the year I invited them to my Diocese, one of the two fruits of my initial work was the Great Pilgrimage of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which was warmly received by me and thousands of faithful. It was unforgettable.”
Most Rev. Germán Pavón Puente
Bishop Emeritus of Ambato (Ecuador)
“(…) they have always worked in communion and collaboration with the local clergy developing an excellent evangelizing action that helps a lot to enliven the faith in the community. For all these reasons I express my loving and unconditional support to the dear Heralds of the Gospel in their evangelizing action as a valuable instrument of the New Evangelization.”
Most Rev. Jesús María de Jesús Moya
Bishop Emeritus of San Francisco (Dominican Republic)
“(…) I can affirm, without fear of being mistaken, that they are distinguished by their fidelity and love for the Church (…) They manifest their faith publicly with ardor and without fear. All of which seems to be very convenient in the hard times in which we now live. I adhere to the words of Benedict XVI who describes them as men and women full of enthusiasm, who have recognized Christ as the Son of God and have taken him to the whole world.”
Most Rev. Jesús García Burillo
Bishop of Avila
“The communities of the Heralds have been and continue to be assiduous collaborators of our military diocese and have always been very available for the work requested of them. Above all they have lived and manifested fidelity and loyalty to the teachings of the Church and to the Holy Father.”
Most Rev. Adalberto Martinez Flores
Bishop of Paraguay
“I have always been struck not only by the mysticism that characterizes them, but also by the seriousness and commitment with which they carry out their vocation and mission. I thank the Lord for having raised up this Apostolate that does so much good for our Church.”
Most Rev. José Daniel Falla Robies
Bishop of Soacha (Colombia)
“In the course of time, they have expressed a deep sense of respect, unity, willingness to serve and welcome the person and mission of the local bishop. Their apostolate of witnessing to and fostering true devotion to the Virgin Mary is clear and effective. There is no doubt about their fidelity, respect and acceptance of the Magisterium of the Church and of the Holy Father.”
Most Rev. Héctor Cubillos Peña
Bishop of Zipaquirá (Colombia)
“(…) I emphasize the seriousness and commitment that characterize the activities of the members of the Association. I emphasize the depth of spirituality and pastoral zeal that has always marked the presence of the Heralds of the Gospel among the neediest populations.”
Bishop Airton José dos Santos
“They have always tried to live in close communion with their archbishop, the spirit of the charism of their founder. (…) I see in them people who are very pious, sensible, and of fraternal and sincere communion with the ecclesiastical authorities who work here. I consider them a blessing among us.”
Bishop Vitorio Pavanello
“Devoted to the Word of God, they are people who give a remarkable testimony of joy, of joy of life, of availability and of Faith. They leave in all their activities an interesting and very important trace of faith and adherence to the Church. It is also worth mentioning their readiness to respond to requests for collaboration that come to them from priests and parish priests.”
Bishop António Maria Bessa Taipa
“I have a very positive experience with the Heralds of the Gospel, in their work in diverse pastoral activities promoted by the Archdiocese of São Paulo. In my contacts with the priests of the Heralds, I also had the opportunity to verify the solidity of their formation and fidelity in union with the Bishops and the Holy Father.”
Bishop Carlos Lema Garcia
“A word about the important presence of the Heralds of the Gospel that passed through the Diocese of Bauru. The work of the Heralds was very positive, bringing abundant benefits for the invigoration of parish life and the strengthening of the life of faith and charity.”
Bishop Caetano Ferrari, OFM
“I have the occasion to present a positive testimony of the Heralds of the Gospel. Since the first years of my Episcopal ministry, some parish priests of the Diocese have requested teams of the Heralds for missions and there has been a new vocational and missionary awakening in the face of the invasion of evangelical churches that are multiplying. It was a very positive experience.”
Bishop Angelo Pignoli