What is the real meaning of Marriage?
Summary of the Course
If you are planning on getting married, you probably want to do so based on a free and intelligent choice. If you are already married, you may be looking to enhance your married life by increasing awareness of the duties of your state. Even if you are not married and perhaps have no intention of marrying, you may be interested in viewing the topic of Matrimony from an intellectual perspective for doctrinal enrichment.
Matrimony is a fascinating topic that often generates discussion and is rarely well-explained. If you are seeking to understand it better, for whatever reason, then this course will captivate you from beginning to end!
In these five video-lessons, I will be presenting a full-scope vision of marriage that, I hope, is exactly what you need to make a decision, improve your life, or simply broaden your doctrinal culture.
Let’s investigate marriage issues together, in the light of Holy Scripture, the principles of natural law, and the timeless doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Father François Bandet EP, born in Rantoul, (Illinois, USA) in 1962, is a French-Canadian from the city of Chicoutimi (Québec). After 35 years as a consecrated layman in the Catholic Community of the Heralds of the Gospel, he was ordained a priest on July 22, 2009 for the Clerical Society "Virgo Flos Carmelii". He obtained a licentiate (2009) and a doctorate (2015) in Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (Italy) and a licentiate (2021) in Philosophy at the Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro in São Paulo (Brazil). He collaborates with the Thomist magazine "Lumen Veritatis" and is currently a missionary in Brazil.
Course Lessons
- ALVES, Francisco Alves. Tesouro de Exemplos. [Treasury of examples] Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1958, vol. I.
- ALVES, Francisco Alves. Tesouro de Exemplos. [Treasury of examples] Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1958, vol. II.
- CADEÓT, Robert. Louis Martin – Incomparável Pai de Santa Teresa do Menino Jesus e da Santa Face. [Louis Martin – Incomparable Father of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face] São Paulo: Cultor de Livros, 2015.
- CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 2nd ed. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticano. 2019.
- THE ROMAN CATECHISM, Charlotte: Tan Books, 2009.
- CLÁ DIAS, João Scognamiglio. Dona Lucilia. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013.
- Code of Canon Law. New York: Harper Collins,1997.
- PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE FAMILY. Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage, 1996.
- DE MENDOZA, Julio Eugui Hermoso. Mil anécdotas de virtudes. [A Thousand Anecdotes of Virtue] Madrid: Rialp, 2007.
- GHIRLANDA, Gianfranco. Il Diritto Nella Chiesa: Mistero Di Comunione Compendio di Diritto Ecclesiale. [Law in the Church: Mystery of Communion Compendium of Ecclesial Law.] Rome: Gregorian Biblical Press, 2016.
- HAHN, Scott. First Comes Love. New York: Random House, 2006.
- HAVARD, Alexandre. Virtuous Leadership. Strongsville: Scepter Publishers, 2007.
- JOHN PAUL II. Letter to Families. Gratissimam Sane, 1994.
- JOHN PAUL II. Apostolic Exhortation. Familiaris Consortio, 1981.
- LORING, S.I., Jorge. Para Salvar-te. [To Save You] Madrid: EDIBESA PÈGUES, Thomas. Catecismo de la Suma Teológica. [Catechism of the Summa Theologica] Madrid: Homo Legens, 2011.
- PERARDI, Giussepe. Novo Manual do Catequista. [New Manual for the Catechist] Lisbon: União Gráfica, 1958.
- PIUS XI. Encyclical Letter, Casti Connubii, 1930.
- ROYO MARÍN, Antonio. Teología Moral para Seglares. [Moral Theology for Lay People]. Madrid: BAC, 1996.
- SADA, Ricardo; MONROY, Alfonso. Curso de Teologia Moral. [Course of Moral Theology] Lisboa: Rei dos Livros, 1991.
- SADA, Ricardo; MONROY, Alfonso. Curso de Teologia dos Sacramentos. [Course of Sacramental Theology] Lisboa: Rei dos Livros, 1991.
- STENSON, James B. Successful Fathers. Strongsville, Ohio: Scepter Publishers, 2005.
- STENSON, James B. A Handbook on Parent Leadership. Strongsville, Ohio: Scepter Publishers, 2005.
- THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa Theologica.