The Wonders of Divine Grace
Course Summary
The Prince of Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas says that the “the whole world and all it contains is of less value before God than the grace in a single soul.” And he adds that “grace is nothing other than a certain participated likeness of the divine nature.” This makes us, who live in a state of grace, belong to the race of God, to use the expression of a great theologian: Matthias Joseph Scheeben.
What is grace? It is something so excellent that if we truly knew its worth, we’d be willing to sell everything to acquire it and hold on to it. (cf. Mt. 13:44)
In this course, I’ll explain what grace means, according to the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church. We’ll also see what the supernatural life of grace in our souls means to us. All this and more in this course on the greatest gift of God: His divine grace!

Having met the Heralds of the Gospel at a young age, Fr. Cyril Avinash always distinguished himself by his evangelical zeal, especially with the youth. Born in Bengaluru (India), he moved to Brazil to continue his formation in the Heralds. Ordained in 2019 to priesthood in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary (Caieiras, Brazil), he now serves as a Coadjutor in the formation of future priests while lecturing classes in Moral Theology and Ethics.
Course Lessons