The Ten Commandments of the Decalogue
Summary of the Module
“I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse” (Deut 30:19).
In this first module of The Ten Commandments Explained, the most important notions of fundamental morality are studied;—Human act, Conscience, Freedom, Virtuous act, Sinful act, Mortal and Venial sin, Natural law, Virtues and Vices—all in the light of biblical teachings and the Magisterium of the Church.

Fr. Marcos Faes de Araújo, EP, holds a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical University of San Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum - Rome). His doctoral thesis was awarded the highest grade (Summa cum Laude). He has been a director of Houses of Formation in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Bedford, New York (USA); he has been responsible for the Heralds of the Gospel in Canada and the United States. He is Professor of Theology, Mariology and Ecclesiology at the St. Thomas Aquinas Theological Institute (ITTA) since 2009 and has taught postgraduate courses abroad.
Course Lessons
FERNÁNDEZ, Aurelio. Teología Moral [Moral Theology]. Burgos: Universidad de Burgos, 2007, vol. I-III.
FUENTES, Miguel Ángel. Revestíos de entrañas de misericordia [Clothe yourselves with a heart of mercy]. San Rafael: Ediciones del Verbo Encarnado, 2007.
GUEULLETTE, Jean-Marie. Pas de vertu sans plaisir [No virtue without pleasure]. Paris: Cerf, 2016.
LORING, Jorge. Para Salvar te [To save you]. Madrid: Ediciones Católicas, 1994.
NEIRAGUET, D. Com pendio de la Teología de San Alfonso de Ligorio [Compendium of the Theology of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori]. Madrid: Editorial Católica, 1852.
PINCKAERS, Servais. Las Fuentes de la Moral Cristiana [The Sources of Christian Morality]. Barañaín: EUNSA, 2007.
PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR THE FAMILY Vademecum for Confessors Concerning Some Aspects of The Morality of Conjugal Life. Vatican City: LEV, 1997.
ROYO MARÍN, Antonio. Teología Moral para Seglares [Moral Theology for the Laity]. Madrid, BAC: 2007, vol. I-II.
____________________. Espiritualidad de los Seglares [Spirituality of the Laity]. Madrid: BAC, 1967.
SCORDOGLIO, Tommaso. La Legge Naturale [The Natural Law]. Verona: Fede e Cultura, 2007.
SPIRAGO, Francisco. Catecismo Popular Explanado [Popular Catechism Explained]. Barcelona: Políglota, 1907, vol. I-III.
Thomas Aquinas. The Summa Theologica. Allen: Christian Classics, 1981, vol. I-V.
__________________. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Trans. Rev. Paul M. Kimball, Dolorosa, 2011.
__________________. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. Trans. Fabian Larcher and James A. Weisheipl, The Catholic University of America, 2010.