The Secret to Dying Well – 2
Summary of the Course
In order to be able to climb a mountain, I have to set goals for myself. “I intend to reach such and such a peak.” Now, in every good climb, there are some very steep parts of the mountain that are dangerous where there is little to grab on to. So, mountain climbers first drive some special iron spikes into the rock face — pegs that can bear their weight, either as footholds, or as rope-holds or handles… They hammer these climbing pegs or pins into the rock fissures as they go, and this makes their ascent possible.
How can we apply this in spiritual life? In this video series, you will discover the method of real planning and monitoring of your lives in conformity with the will of God and keeping His Commandments. You will learn to make resolutions in making changes in certain parts of your lives that need correction. You will come to understand the importance of conforming yourselves to the will of God and how true love generates good deeds and self-giving.
We will all die one day. Always remember to ask yourself: “If I were to die today, what would my eternal destiny be?” Think about it, and I guarantee you that you’ll climb faster and higher in your spiritual life.

Father Steven Frederick Schmieder is a Catholic priest and member of the Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, Virgo Flos Carmeli. Currently, he is a Professor of Canon Law at the International House of Studies of Virgo Flos Carmeli at the São Tomás de Aquino Theological Institute. Over the many years that he has been serving the Church, he has preached a number of Retreats and helped numerous people in their spiritual lives. Over the many years that he has been serving the Church, he has preached a number of Retreats and helped numerous people in their spiritual lives.
Course Lessons
BRANDÃO, Ascanio, Mons. O breviário da confiança. [The Breviary of Confidence] Lorena: Editora Cléofas, 2013.
CHAUTARD, Dom Jean-Baptiste. The Soul of the Apostolate. Charlotte NC: Tan Books, 2012.
LEHODEY, Dom Vital. Holy Abandonment. Charlotte NC: Tan Books and Publishers, 2004.
MICHEL, SJ. Fr. Jean. A Treatise on Despondency in the Pursuit of Piety. London: Wentworth Press, 2016.
RODRIGUES, Afonso, Fr. Practice of Perfection and Christian Virtues. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1929.
ROYO MARIN, OP, Fr. Antonio. The Theology of Christian Perfection. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2012.
BIBLE. Revised Standard Version, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006.
SAINT-LAURENT. Thomas de, Fr. O livro da confiança. [The Book of Confidence] São Paulo: Petrus, 2019.
SAINT THERESA Of AVILA. Way of Perfection. London: Sheed & Ward, 1999.
_____________________. The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2011.
SAINT THERESE OF LISIEUX. Story of a Soul. Charlotte: TAN Books, 2010.
SAINT ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. Treatise on Prayer. West Monroe: St. Athanasius Press, 2009.
_____________________. The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. San Francisco: Blurb Incorporated, 2021.
_____________________. Selected Writings. New York: Paulist Press, 1999
_____________________. The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ. Amherst NY: Aeterna Press, 2010.
JOHN OF THE CROSS. Ascent of Mount Carmel.Brewster: Paraclete Press, 2010.
TANQUEREY, Adolphe. The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology. Rockford: Tan Books and Publishers, 2000.
TISSOT, Joseph. How to Profit from your Faults. Strongsville: Scepter Publisher, 2004.