The Secret of the Rosary
Summary of the Course
Do we really know the enormous power of the Rosary, apparently so simple, so unassuming, so accessible and so widely spread by popular devotion? “The Holy Angels in heaven salute the most Blessed Virgin with the Hail Mary not audibly but with their angelic mind. For they are fully aware that through the Hail Mary reparation was made for the fallen angels’ sin, God became man and the world was renewed”, says Blessed Alan de la Roche.
The miracles performed by means of the Rosary are uncountable. In the most crucial moments in history, the Rosary played an important role in overcoming calamities that had reached a peak, in a prodigious way. During the time of St. Dominic, the Faith was being threatened by the Albigensian heresy, and the Saint employed the Rosary to safeguard orthodoxy. At Lepanto, the visible structure of the Church and Christian Civilization was on the verge of collapse. The Rosary of St. Pius V wrought for Don Juan of Austria the same victory that the arms of Moses, stretched out on the mountain top, won for Joshua against the Amalekites (cf. Ex 17:8-13).
Father Antonio Royo Marín, one of the most renowned Dominican theologians of the past century, states that “without any doubt the Rosary is the most excellent of Marian devotions.” And, in following his usual line of clear and progressive reasoning, he adds: “It is proven so by the Virgin herself, the official Magisterium of the Church, and by its structure and theological content.”

Fr. Michael Joseph Carlson consecrated himself to Our Lady in his youth through the method of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort. He has a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and has made his life a constant search for men and women who live the same dedication to Jesus through Mary's hands. As a good religious, always cheerful and good natured, Fr. Michael has been assigned by his superiors to carry out his apostolate in various places, beginning in the United States, his native land, and in several countries in Central America, South America, and Europe. His native language is English, but he speaks Spanish and Portuguese fluently. He frequently comments on the daily liturgy on the Heralds of the Gospel YouTube Channel.
Course Lessons