Purgatory: great suffering or great charity?
Summary of the Course
One of the doctrines of the Church that is least understood is certainly that of Purgatory. And curiously, it is also one of the most controversial. Protestants affirm that it has no Biblical foundation. Historians say that it is nothing but a medieval invention. Contemporary scholars consider it just a state of mind.
But, what is Purgatory? It often evokes images of terror and despair. It is associated with images of medieval torture chambers. But, little is spoken of the other side of the doctrine: that it is a true manifestation of the mercy of God and a most beautiful concept for those who truly seek to do His will.
In this course, Fr. Felipe Ramos presents the theological basics about the doctrine of Purgatory: its Biblical foundation, the opinion of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the definitions of Church councils, the opinions of theologians, the refutation of errors concerning the doctrine, private revelations and experiences from beyond the grave that testify to its existence, and finally, what it means for our spiritual life.
Fr. Ramos holds that the doctrine of Purgatory needs a purgation , and he has set about to achieve just that!

Fr. Felipe de Azevedo Ramos, EP, has a degree in Theology and a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum-Rome). His doctoral thesis received the highest grade and earned him two international awards. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Medieval Studies with the Diplôme Européen d'Études Médiévales (DEEM-FIDEM). He is editor of the journal Lumen Veritatis, translator and professor at the Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophical Institute. He has published over a hundred articles in magazines in different countries.
Course Lessons
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