I’m Consecrated to Our Lady… What’s Next?
Summary of the Module
After a month long preparation, we all made our Consecration to Jesus through Mary as slaves of love. It was a beautiful journey… But, the Consecration was just the beginning! We now begin our lives as slaves of Jesus and Mary.
However, how does this new dimension of our spiritual life influence our daily activities? How do we live the Consecration to Mary in our lives at home, with our families, in our prayer-life, in our life of participation at the Eucharist, in our life as members of the Catholic Church, in our lives as consecrated religious, or as priests?
In this new course called “I’m Consecrated to Our Lady… What’s Next?” Fr. Timothy Ring will explain how the Holy Slavery to Mary deeply influences not only all that we do, but even what we are! Don’t miss out on this course that is an indispensable companion to your Consecration to Mary.

Fr. Timothy Joseph Ring is originally from St. Louis, Missouri. From a deeply religious and Catholic family, he began his vocational journey at the relatively young age of 16, when he consecrated himself to Jesus through Mary, following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. After 20 years as a consecrated layman in the Heralds of the Gospel, he was ordained as a priest in 2006. He has served the community in missions in different parts of the globe: in North and South America, as well as in Europe. His native language is English, but he also speaks Italian, Spanish and Portuguese fluently.
Course Lessons
ALASTRUEY, Gregorio, Tratado de la Santísima Virgen. Cuarta Edición, Madrid: BAC, MCMLVI
BOSSARD S.M.M., Alphonse, DE FIORES S.M.M., Stefano, GAFFNEY, S.M.M., Patrick (eds.). Jesus Living in Mary: Handbook of the Spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Montfort Publications, Bay Shore, NY, 1994.
BOSSARD, S. M. M., Alphonse. To Follow Jesus Christ with Mary according to the teaching of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Translated from the French of the 2nd edition by Paul R. Allerton, s.m.m. General Secretariat of the Company of Mary, Rome, 2001.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II. Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
CAROL, O.F.M., Juniper B. (Ed.) Mariology. Volumes 1 – 3. The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1955.
CLÁ DIAS, E.P., João Scognamiglio. Pequeno Ofício da Imaculada Conceição Comentado. Associação Católica Nossa Senhora de Fátima, São Paulo e Insituto Lumen Sapientiae, São Paulo, 2011. Vol I & Vol II.
CLÁ DIAS, E.P., João Scognamiglio. Maria Santíssima! O Paraíso de Deus revelado aos homens. São Paulo: Arautos do Evangelho, 2020. Vols. I – III.
JOURNET, Charles. The Theology of the Church. Translated by Victor Szczurek, O. Praem; Appendices translated by Michael J. Miller, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2004.
JAMART, O. C. D., François, Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese of Lisieux. St. Paul Publications, New York, 1961.
MARTIN, Céline. The Father of the Little Flower – The Sister of St. Thérèse tells us about her Father. Tan Books, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2015.
MARTIN, Céline. The Mother of the Little Flower – Zélie Martin. Translated from the French by Fr. Michael Collins, S.M.A. Tan Books, Charlotte, North Carolina.
MONEO, C. M. F., Alberto Barrios, Santa Teresita – Modelo y Mártir de la Vida Religiosa. Quinta Edición, Editorial y Libreria Coculsa, Madrid, 1964.
MÜLLER, C.Ss.R, Michael, The Blessed Eucharist, our Greatest Treasure. New York and Cincinnati, Fr. Pustet, 1880.
NEUBERT, Émile. La vie d’union a Marie. Editions Alsatia Paris, 1957.
PIAT, O.F.M., Stéphane-Joseph. The Story of a Family – The Home of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (The Little Flower). TAN Books, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2015.
ROSCHINI, O.S.M., Gabriel. Instruções Marianas. Edições Paulinas.
SHAPCOTE, Emily Mary. Legends of the Blessed Sacrament Gathered from the History of the Church and the Lives of the Saints. London: Burns and Oates, 1877.
ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI. Dignities and Duties of Priests. Catholic Way Publishing, 2016.
ST. ALPHONSUS MARIA DE LIGUORI. The Glories of Mary. A new translation from the Italian – Two volumes in one. Liguori Publications, Liguori, Missouri, 2000.
ST. ALPHONSUS MARIA DE LIGUORI. The Great Means of Salvation and Perfection. New York, Cincinnati, and St. Louis: Benziger Brothers, 1886.
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Our Lady. TAN Books Charlotte, North Carolina, 2013.
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales on Prayer. TAN books, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012.
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES. Introduction to a Devout Life. Friedrich Pustet and Co., Ratisbon, Rome, New York, Cincinnati.
ST. JOHN EUDES.The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Translated by Dom. Richard Flower, O.S.B., M.A., New York: P.J. Kennedy and Sons, 1946.
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT. True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary — The Preparation for the Reign of Jesus Christ. Montfort Publications, New York, 2013.
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT. The Secret of Mary. TAN Books, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012.
ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT. The Secret of the Rosary. Translated by Mary Barbour, T.O.P. Montfort Publications, New York, 1973.
ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, Nerbini International, 2016.
ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX. Derniers Entretiens, Nouvelle édition du Centenaire, Paris, 1992.
ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX. Her Last Conversations. Translated by John Clarke, O.C.D., ICS Publications, Washington D.C., 1977.
ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX. The Story of a Soul – The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Translated From the Original Manuscripts by John Clarke, O.C.D., Third Edition, ICS Publications, Washington, DC, 1996.
ST. THÉRÈSE OF LISIEUX. Thoughts of the Servant of God, Thérèse of the Child Jesus. Translated from the French Pensées by an Irish Carmelite, New York: P. J. Kennedy and Sons, 1915.
VOLLERT, S.J., Cyril, A Theology of Mary. Herder and Herder, New York, 1965.