From the Creation of Man to the Tower of Babel
Summary of the Module
This module will offer a chance to contemplate humanity’s journey from the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise to the times that lead up to Abraham’s emergence. The events covered show how human infidelities and Satan’s plots in no way upset Gods loving and almighty plans, regardless of appearances.
In concluding his six-day Work, with the creation of man, “God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good” (Gen 1:31). The “very good” ensemble of Creation had man at its summit, in a certain sense, since God would one day become incarnate in human nature. “‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’” (Gen 1:26).
In their prideful ambition to be equal to God, Adam and Eve disobeyed a divine prohibition, seduced by the serpent’s words to Eve: “’You will be like God’” (Gen 3:5).
The opposite was true: by sinning, Adam and Eve lost Divine Grace and shattered the harmony that existed in their souls and in Creation. But the Tempter had no time to gloat. God immediately promised a future Redeemer and foretold Satan’s defeat.
With humanity’s newfound moral weakness, humans would have to depend all the more on God’s Grace and would be divided between those who accept God’s aid and those who reject it. In the Deluge, God’s chastised the latter, while safeguarding the faithful Noah and his family in the ark — pre-figure of the Church.
The descendants of Noah formed a new, but not God-fearing, humanity. They began to build the Tower of Babel, and their evil intent was punished: God confused their language and “scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth” (Gen 11:8).
We will examine all of these crucial events from the angle of God’s ever-prevailing plans and the rift between the faithful and those who war against God. We will see how God makes use of all evils to enhance His plans and win greater glory — glory that He will share with his faithful children.

Br. Morgan Joseph Dunn was born in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on April 24th, 1995. During a pilgrimage journey to Brazil in 2014, God operated a transformation in his soul, calling him to the consecrated life. Ever since, he has dedicated his life to this calling, joyfully serving God as a member of the Heralds of the Gospel. Currently engaged in the evangelizing activities of the Heralds, Br. Morgan holds canonical Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Theology.
Course Lessons
MARY OF JESUS OF AGREDA. Mystical City of God: The Divine History and Life of the Virgin. 1. ed. Translated from the original Spanish by Fiscar Marison. Hammond: W.B. Conkey Company, 1914.
THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa Theologiae. Vols. I-V. Trans. Fathers of the English Dominican Province. Ave Maria Press: Notre Dame (IN), 1948.
BERTHE, Augustin. Jesus-Christ, Sa vie, Sa passion, Son triomphe. [Jesus Christ, His Life, His Passion, His Triumph.] Dublin: Omnia Veritas Ltd., 2015.
BIBLE. Revised Standard Version, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006.
BOSCO, John. História Sagrada. [Sacred History]. São Paulo: Livraria Salesiana, 1949.
BROWN, S.S. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. Hoboken New Jersey: Prenctice-Hall, 1990
CLÁ DIAS, EP, João Scognamiglio. Maria Santíssima! O Paraíso de Deus revelado aos homens. [Mary Most Holy! God’s Paradise Revealed to Men.] São Paulo: Arautos do Evangelho, 2020, v 1-3.
___________________________. New Insights on the Gospels. Città del Vaticano-Nobleton: LEV; Heralds of the Gospel, 2014, v. I-VII
__________________________. Pequeno Ofício da Imaculada Conceição comentado. [Commentaries on the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception] São Paulo: Associação Católica Nossa Senhora de Fátima. 2010.
__________________________. São José: quem o conhece?… [St. Joseph: who knows him?…] São Paulo: Instituto Lumen Sapientiae, 2017.
EMMERICH, Anne Catherine. The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations. Rockford (IL): TAN, 2004, v. 1-4.
FILLION, L. C. L. The Life of Christ: A Historical, Critical, and Apologetic Exposition. New York: Herder Book Company, 1948.
____________. La Sainte Bible. Paris: Letouzey et Ane, 1923, v. 1.
JOSEPHUS, Flavius. Antiquities of the Jews. Delhi: Alpha Editions, 2021.
LAWRENCE, Paul. Millard, A.R. The IVP Atlas of Bible History. Westmont: Intervarsity Press, 2006.
MONLOUBOU, L.; BUIT, F. M. du. Universal Biblical Dictionary. Paris: Descleé, 1984.
MONTFORT, Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort. True Devotion to Mary. In: God Alone. New York: Montfort Publications, 1987.
OLIVEIRA, Plinio Corrêa de. Conferences. São Paulo: Arquive ITTA-IFAT.
ROPS, Daniel. The Story of the Old Testament. London: Burns and Oates, 1956.
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SALGUERO, Jose. Biblia Comentada. [Commentaries on the Bible] Profesores de Salamanca. Madrid: BAC, 1965, v. 1-7.
SILVA, Duarte Leopoldo e. Concordância dos Santos Evangelhos. [Concordance of the Holy Gospels] São Paulo: Ltr, 1998.
WEINRICH, Willian C. La Biblia Comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia. [The Bible commented on by Fathers of the Church] Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2010, v. 1-18.