Course for Consecration to Jesus through Mary

Welcome to the Consecration to Our Lady Course!
The course starts on march 24th and there will be one lesson every day.

On april 26th, we will make our Consecration during an online Solemn Mass.
To receive the links for the daily lessons, join our WhatsApp group:

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Summary of the Course


Is there some secret to becoming a Saint?” This is a question that the Heralds of the Gospel are often asked in their missions around the world. 


So, is there a secret to becoming a Saint? A secret that will make me persevere and overcome my sins? A secret that will help me reach Heaven?


Here’s the answer of a great Saint and theologian, Louis de Montfort:


Just as in nature there are secrets enabling us to do certain natural things quickly, easily and at little cost, so in the spiritual life there are secrets which enable us to perform works rapidly, smoothly and with facility.” (True Devotion to Mary, No. 82)


Why is it that so many souls make such great efforts to achieve holiness, but make little progress?


It is because they have not discovered this secret to holiness: the Secret of Mary.


This “Secret of Mary”, that St. Louis de Montfort teaches, is a special method to consecrate ourselves to Jesus through the hands of Mary. In the words of this Saint, it is the “safest, easiest, shortest, and most perfect way” to unite ourselves perfectly to Jesus and become saints (cf. True Devotion to Mary, No. 55).


In this course, Fr. Timothy Ring will walk you through the book “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort and help you prepare to make this Consecration. He will also answer all your questions and clear all your doubts.


Don’t miss out on this course. It might be the most important step that you take in your spiritual life!


Fr. Timothy Joseph Ring, EP Fr. Timothy Joseph Ring, EP

Fr. Timothy Joseph Ring is originally from St. Louis, Missouri. From a deeply religious and Catholic family, he began his vocational journey at the relatively young age of 16, when he consecrated himself to Jesus through Mary, following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. After 20 years as a consecrated layman in the Heralds of the Gospel, he was ordained as a priest in 2006. He has served the community in missions in different parts of the globe: in North and South America, as well as in Europe. His native language is English, but he also speaks Italian, Spanish and Portuguese fluently.