Catholic Parenting
Summary of the Course
If you are a parent, or want to be, and you desire to raise your children well, because you realize that parenting is a God-given mission, access this course!
Throughout these five video-classes you will have the opportunity to learn how to love your children with an authentic love. And you will become familiar with the principles that ought to guide a child’s upbringing — all based on Holy Scripture and the ever-current doctrine of the Church.

Father François Bandet EP, born in Rantoul, (Illinois, USA) in 1962, is a French-Canadian from the city of Chicoutimi (Québec). After 35 years as a consecrated layman in the Catholic Community of the Heralds of the Gospel, he was ordained a priest on July 22, 2009 for the Clerical Society "Virgo Flos Carmelii". He obtained a licentiate (2009) and a doctorate (2015) in Fundamental Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (Italy) and a licentiate (2021) in Philosophy at the Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro in São Paulo (Brazil). He collaborates with the Thomist magazine "Lumen Veritatis" and is currently a missionary in Brazil.
Course Lessons
ALVES, Francisco Alves. Tesouro de Exemplos. [Treasury of Examples] Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1958, vol. I.
________. Tesouro de Exemplos. [Treasury of Examples] Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1958, vol. II.
AZEVEDO, Hugo de. O que os filhos esperam dos pais. [What Children Expect of their Parents] São Paulo: Quadrante, 2020.
BETHLÉEM, Abade René. Catecismo da Educação. [A Catechism of Education] São Paulo: Castela Editorial, 2017.
CADEÓT, Robert. Louis Martin – Incomparável Pai de Santa Teresa do Menino Jesus e da Santa Face. [Louis Martin – Incomparable Father of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face] São Paulo: Cultor de Livros, 2015.
CASTILLO, Gerardo. Educar para a amizade. [Educate for Friendship] São Paulo: Quadrante: 1999.
CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 2nd ed. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticano. 2019.
CHIMILLI, Mannoun. Amar os Adolescentes. [Love the Adolescents] São Paulo: Quadrante, 2005.
CLÁ DIAS, João Scognamiglio. Dona Lucilia. Vaticano: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013.
DE MENDOZA, Julio Eugui Hermoso. Mil anécdotas de virtudes. [A Thousand Anecdotes of Virtue] Madrid: Rialp, 2007.
JOHN PAUL II. Letter to Families. Gratissimam Sane, 1994.
PÈGUES, Thomas. Catecismo de la Suma Teológica. [Catechism of the Summa Theologica] Madrid: Homo Legens, 2011.
PERARDI, Giussepe. Novo Manual do Catequista. [New Manual for the Catechist] Lisboa: União Gráfica, 1958.
ROYO MARÍN, Antonio. Teología Moral para Seglares. [Moral Theology for Lay People]. Madrid: BAC, 1996.
SADA, Ricardo; MONROY, Alfonso. Curso de Teologia Moral. [Course of Moral Theology] Lisboa: Rei dos Livros, 1991.
STENSON, James B. Successful Fathers. Strongsville, Ohio: Scepter Publishers, 2005.
_________________. A Handbook on Parent Leadership. Strongsville, Ohio: Scepter Publishers, 2005.
THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa Theologica.
TOTH, Tihamer. O Jovem de Caráter [The Young Man of Character]. Coimbra: Editora Limitada, 1962.