1917, Fatima, Secrets and Prophecies
Summary of the Course
Today, we live an unusual situation that affects all of us, without exceptions. Calamities, diseases, unprecedented violence, moral, economic and political crises, scarcity, corruption, scandals, attacks against the faith and against religion, destruction of the family, immorality, and unimaginable sins. We can say we are living chaos. Believers and non-believers, moral and immoral people, just and unjust, good and bad, are all affected. The big difference lies in how we react. Accepting or rejecting what is imposed on us, is what allows us to maintain balance or let chaos disrupt our interior lives too.
There is a lot of speculation, more questions and few answers, but, in the midst of this extremely chaotic situation, the Heralds of the Gospel come to your rescue, with answers to your questions. In 1917, Our Lady appeared to three innocent children who were tending the sheep of their parents and knew nothing of the world and revealed to them important secrets about the future of humanity. Over the course of a hundred years, there have been people who have believed in the apparitions and prophecies of Fatima and accepted to convert and change their lives. Many, however, continue to wander distracted, despising or offending God.
Divided into 12 lessons, the course: Fatima, 1917, Secrets and Prophecies answers your questions and helps you organize your ideas, in the midst of the whirlwind that sweeps the face of the Earth, providing deep reflections that will allow you to separate the wheat from the chaff, the real from the imaginary, the right from the wrong. It is not just another Catholic formation course, but a unique opportunity that will indicate to you the direction to follow in the midst of so much uncertainty.
The prophecies made by Our Lady in Fatima are coming true, and the moment is full of great seriousness. Few accept suffering and many hope for magical solutions to the problems that assail us, but there is only one solution: hold Our Lord’s hand and allow Him to guide us. Mary is our great mediator, the one who takes our weak hand and puts it between the strong hands of her Son Jesus.
Given by Fr. Michael Carlson, EP, with great enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the subject, this course will be a watershed in your life. Each one of the classes will make you grow in faith, piety, and hope and will prepare you to fulfill your role in the great transition that is already underway.

Fr. Michael Joseph Carlson consecrated himself to Our Lady in his youth through the method of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Monfort. He has a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and has made his life a constant search for men and women who live the same dedication to Jesus through Mary's hands. As a good religious, always cheerful and good natured, Fr. Michael has been assigned by his superiors to carry out his apostolate in various places, beginning in the United States, his native land, and in several countries in Central America, South America, and Europe. His native language is English, but he speaks Spanish and Portuguese fluently. He frequently comments on the daily liturgy on the Heralds of the Gospel YouTube Channel.
Course Lessons
- BENEDICT XVI, Pope. Esplanade of the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima. 13 May 2010. In: https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/homilies/2010/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20100513_fatima.html
- Interview of the holy father Benedict XVI with the journalists during the flight to Portugal. 11 May 2010. In: https://www.vatican.va/content/benedict-xvi/en/speeches/2010/may/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20100511_portogallo-interview.html
- CLÁ DIAS, Msgr. João Scognamiglio. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Nobleton: Heralds of the Gospel Canada, 2017.
- Documentação crítica de Fátima. Fátima: Santuário de Fátima, 1999-2013. 5 volumes.
- MARIA LÚCIA, O.C.D. Memórias e cartas da Irmã Lúcia. Porto: Simão de Guimarães, 1973. Introdução, notas e tradução para o inglês pelo Pe. António Maria Martins, S.I. Edição trilíngue : português, francês, inglês.
- RATZINGER, Joseph; Card. The Message of Fatima. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. 26 June 2000. In: https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html