Catechism for Children


Dear parents,

Salve Maria!

I am Brother Nimish Coelho and I will have the immense joy of accompanying you in the Catechesis Course for children that we have prepared for you, on the Reconquest Platform.

Of all the responsibilities that parents have with respect to their children, the main task is to educate them in the Faith, planting the seed of Catholic principles and good customs from an early age, as these will be the foundations of a righteous and holy life. The main mission of parents is to save the souls of their children!

Since we know how difficult it is to educate children in the Faith, we have prepared this course with great care and affection, and we trust in God that it will be of great support so that, together, we can achieve this objective.

But for this we will need your collaboration, as the children will have time for what parents consider important.

So, of course, we ask for your support so that together, we can learn the truths of the Faith and thus grow in the love of God. Have no doubt that the fruits will certainly be seen.

Br. Nimish Coelho 


Br. Nimish Coelho was born in Mumbai, India, on January 18th, 1989. Soon after obtaining his graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, some circumstances led him to make his consecration to Our Lady, with the Heralds of the Gospel. Captivated by the Charism of the Heralds, he decided to abandon his career and embrace his newfound vocation. 

As a member of the Heralds of the Gospel, he has served as a catechist for many years and has been working with the youth by promoting love for the Church in its beauty, tradition, and morality.

Course Modules