Catechism for Children – 1
Summary of the Course
“Let the little children come to me, do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
How can a child approach our Lord Jesus Christ if he does not know Him first? We must know Jesus and the Holy Catholic Church from a very early age to be able to love Him.
This is a challenging task. It requires much effort, dedication, and patience. It involves taking care of their children’s physical development and intellectual formation. Above all, parents have the mission of helping save their children’s souls. That is why we have created this course: to help you in the arduous mission of forming your children in the Catholic faith.

Br. Nimish Coelho was born in Mumbai, India, on January 18th, 1989. Soon after obtaining his graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, some circumstances led him to make his consecration to Our Lady, with the Heralds of the Gospel. Captivated by the Charism of the Heralds, he decided to abandon his career and embrace his newfound vocation. As a member of the Heralds of the Gospel, he has served as a catechist for many years and has been working with the youth by promoting love for the Church in its beauty, tradition, and morality.