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Fr. Marcos Faes de Araújo, EP

Fr. Marcos Faes de Araújo, EP, holds a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical University of San Tommaso d'Aquino (Angelicum - Rome). His doctoral thesis was awarded the highest grade (Summa cum Laude).

He has been a director of Houses of Formation in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Bedford, New York (USA); he has been responsible for the Heralds of the Gospel in Canada and the United States. He is Professor of Theology, Mariology and Ecclesiology at the St. Thomas Aquinas Theological Institute (ITTA) since 2009 and has taught postgraduate courses abroad.


Fr. Marcos Faes de Araújo, EP, was born in Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, in 1956. Since his youth, he has been under the guidance and formation of Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, founder of the Heralds of the Gospel. He was sent on missions to various countries in the Americas and to Italy. He was a director of houses of formation in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Bedford, New York (USA); he was also responsible for the Heralds of the Gospel in Canada and the United States. As a member of the Executive Committee for the Lay Movements of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada, he was involved in the preparation of World Youth Day 2002.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities from the Pontificia Universidad Madre y Maestra, (PUCMM), in the Dominican Republic; a Master’s degree in Moral Theology from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia; and a doctorate in Theology from the Pontificia Universitá San Tommaso d’Aquino (Angelicum – Rome). His doctoral thesis was awarded the highest grade (Summa cum Laude), with a recommendation to publish it in its entirety.

He has been Professor of Theology, Mariology and Ecclesiology at the St. Thomas Aquinas Theological Institute (ITTA) since 2009 and has taught postgraduate courses abroad. He has written several articles for the Heralds of the Gospel magazine and academic theology journals. In addition to English, he speaks Portuguese, Spanish and Italian fluently.

Get to know my Course:

The goal of human life is to achieve eternal salvation, because there is no point in gaining the whole world if you lose your own soul! For Christians, reaching heaven is the great adventure of a lifetime: their eternal happiness or unhappiness is at stake, and in order to enter through the narrow gate they need to know how to act.

In this course, rather than answering speculative questions, the aim is to respond to the desire that all serious Catholics have to deepen their notions of morality, so that they can lead an upright life, pleasing to God, and crown their existence with the eternal reward.

It is offered to people with a thirst for holiness, who wish not only to know, but to put into practice the Commandments of God, perfected in the New Testament by the doctrine and example of the Divine Master.

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The course “Mary Most Holy! The Paradise of God Revealed to Men”, presented by Father Michael Carlson, EP, a priest with a deep devotion to Our Lady, was inspired by the book of the same name written by the founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, Monsignor João Clá, one of the main pillars of Marian devotion in recent times.

Composed of 13 sequential lessons, plus two bonus lessons, the course presents all the splendors of Mary, with unpublished details preserved by the Tradition of the Church and the writings of the great Marian saints and theologians.

Throughout the lessons, you will delve into the mysteries of the one who, being the Mother of God, lived as the simplest of all beings.

And you will discover the pains and joys of Our Lady, from the moment of the Annunciation to the utmost martyrdom in seeing her Divine Son die nailed to a cross. Father Michael will present all the nuances of the coexistence between Jesus and Mary, he will tell how her life was after the Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord, her coexistence with the disciples and her very important role from the Divine Plan of Creation to the final destiny of humanity.

At Fatima, Our Lady promised: “My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”. In this course, you are invited to participate in this triumph, helping to build the new and long-awaited paths that humanity will soon have to follow.

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